Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Figured it was time for a new blog entry….I mean, its only been, what, 3 months???? I’ve never been very good at sticking to things, sorry about that. Call me a commitment-phobe.

My mom’s birthday was a few weeks ago, and I decided to take on the task of making her a homemade. birthday. cake. Don’t really know what I was thinking, but I definitely got in over my head with that one. I had been browsing through blogs and kept oohing and ahhing over pictures of fondant covered cakes and thought to myself, “I can do this!!.… it can’t be that hard…” So, I set out to make my lovely mother a two-tiered chocolate cake w/ raspberry filling, homemade butter cream frosting and tiffany blue fondant to cover the cake, with some very chic brown fondant cut-outs to top it off. Sounds easy, eh?

Anyways. 2 and a half days later, close to $50.00 spent on decorating supplies, pounds of wasted too-thin fondant, a whole entire cake in a garbage, and many, many tears and swear words later …. I had no cake. To make a long story short, I wrecked it. Ever heard of the blog “Cake Wrecks”? Mine could’ve taken ‘the cake’ on that site. I seriously did everything wrong. Then deeply blamed myself for doing everything wrong and moped around the house for hours and hours. But, I didn’t completely give up…I had a brilliant idea to salvage what fondant I had leftover, and throw it over some cupcakes I whipped up from a mix, top it with some fondant designs….and honestly…they didn’t look too bad. Nowhere near the masterpiece I had planned, but we don’t always get what we want, do we? My Mom absolutely loved them and that’s what matters. And after I told her all the trouble I went through to make those things…I think I got lots of ‘good daughter’ bonus points, which was great because my birthday was a week later and there was a great bedspread that I was deeply coveting….

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