Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Super Exciting List of Favorite Things

Because I have not a single thing to do today, I thought I'd compose a list of My Favorite Things. These are the things that I Cannot Live Or Breathe Without. They are all lifelines to my soul, and allow me to get through each day without going spastic or having some sort of nervous breakdown.
Drumroll please....

My Samsung Reclaim:
Oh, my little green eco-friendly phone. Who was I before you? You may not be top-of-the-line, have a great amount of megapixels, or get any sort of reception in all large grocery stores....but you still hold a very large spot in my heart for being so flippin' cute and for making me look so eco-conscious, which is super important to me. You also allow me to access Facebook as much as my obsessive compulsive self can, which also earns mucho points in my book.

My fake Uggs:
If you've been on my Facebook, you KNOW the importance of these Fuggs to myself. I even wrote them a brief little letter a few months ago....:

Dear Fake Uggs: - I ♥ you. I could wear you every day, all day, I would even sleep in you if the need arose. You have provided me with comfort, security, and even a little bit of style, if paired w/ my skinny jeans and a great top. Thank you for being you. You were the best $29.99 I ever spent.


Clean & Clear Dual Action Moisturizer:
I feel like I'm 14 confessing that I use and LOVE this moisturizer, but I do, I really do. I've been using it since I was 14 and its never failed me, ever. Its super cheap, never drying, keeps my skin nice and happy, and smells so fresh (so fresh and so clean, clean!). (Shout out to Outkast there) Sadly, I will soon have to retire this lovely moisturizer and switch to a more grown up brand due to the fact that I HAVE MY FIRST WRINKLE and need something a little more intense. But, its okay, we had a good run, Ms. Clean & Clear and I. Oh, the agony of reaching my late 20's!

Victoria's Secret Dream Angels Heavenly Perfume/Lotion/Shower Gel:
Another product that I know has been around forever, but that I keep turning to over and over...its been my 'go-to' scent for years. I love that its super musky and sexy, but somehow maintains a 'fresh' note, so its a more of a 'Sexy Young Woman' musk, instead of '85 year old Grandma' musk.

Starbucks Natural Fusions Coffees:
If it's in the budget for the week, I snatch up this coffee. All 3 flavors are spectacular. I'd have to say that me and N are deeply immersed in Coffee World - we have a pot brewing all day long, go through a bag a week, and make frequent trips to Starbucks. Also, we're slightly Coffee Snobby, so its gotta be GOOD stuff. Starbucks definitely satisfies.


Yankee Candles:
Just ask anyone - if you come to our house and a Yankee Candle ISN'T burning somewhere in the family room...something is wrong. Something is very, very wrong. My Mom (Thanks Mommmm) got me started on these candles when I was a teen, and I still buy/use/obsess over Yankee Candles as much as I did 10 years ago. They're slightly more expensive then your average candle, but durnnit, they make my house cozy and smell good, so I'm buying 'em! Favorite scents: Buttercream Frosting, Mandarin Cranberry, and Vanilla Lime.


Barefoot Wines:
"Oh gosh, I love Barefoot Wines!" - me to anyone that ever asks me about wine. I'm super aware I am not a wine aficionado -I know nothing of 'good barrels' or how much more oak-y this wine is then that wine...all I know is that when it comes to Barefoot Wines, I 1) Love the Price 2) Love the taste and 3) Love that they get the job done. (I'm not a wino, what are you talking about?)

And 8) - can't leave out 8)

My Royal Oak Public Library Card:
I've got my nose constantly stuck in a book, and go through 2, maybe 3 books a week - so therefore, I have to list my Library Card as one of my favorite things, I suppose. Does this make me the city's hugest nerd? Probably. Do I care? Eh, not really!

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