Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Malted Milk + Chocolate Chip Cookies = A simply delightful combination.

Confession: I peruse the Pioneer Woman's blog/website about 532 times a day. I try to stop myself, but I can't. I spends hours clicking through post after post, all wide eyed and crazied - I really, truly am 100% totally obsessed with the Pioneer Woman.
My Mom, my boyfriend's Mom, N, my friends....they are all very much aware of my scary fascination with the Pioneer Woman and ruthlessly tease me about it.
But I take it.
And its okay.
Because Pioneer Woman...
I am completely in love with you and your recipes and everything else you stand for.
And thats that.

Moving along - I found this recipe on her site the other day -Malted Milk Chocolate Chip Cookies. Got excited, because who doesn't enjoy something with a little malt kick too it? Well, maybe you don't.
But thats okay too.
Because I love you guys too.

(Today I'm feeling very confessional-y, apparently).

I got to use my KitchenAid mixer for this recipe, which of course, had N excited - he really loves when I use the presents he gets me, especially the mixer.

These cookies do NOT, I repeat, do NOT look like normal chocolate chip cookies - so be warned! These cookies are super thin, super crunchy, and downright amazing. The taste is definitely similar to a chocolate chip cookie. Honestly, I couldn't really taste the difference...but its the texture thats exciting, thats worth adding that scoop of malted milk for.

She recommends cooking them for 10 - 12 minutes - I did 9 and they were perfect. Just use your judgment, and if you, um, smell a terrible burning smell coming from the kitchen - sprint to your oven and take these babies out. I swear, this didn't happen to me for 2 out of the 4 batches.

I used salted butter in these, I am a rebel after all (and thats all I had in the fridge) - and they still turned out great - not too salty, as if anything could ever be too salty for my salt-obsessed self.

Try these out - they're very easy to make, and the recipe makes a crapload of 'em....

Row after row after row of beautiful, malty-ish cookies!

PS - Do not be deterred by the two sticks of butter used in the recipe - just practice restraint when it comes to eating these cookies. I only ate 7 of them the first day, and 6 the next, but by today I'm down to 3 see? Thats called Trickle Down Restraint. Try it. Its fun.

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