Thursday, April 7, 2011

Savory Onion Focaccia

Make this right now.
Seriously, get in your kitchen and make this right now.
Oh, I'm kidding...kind of.
This Savory Onion Focaccia recipe is out of this world. N & I ate one loaf in 15 minutes flat. I'm not exaggerating either. I cut us off these little dainty slices, plopped them on these cute little decorative plates I use for special occasions, and served them in the family room. Within 1.5 minutes, we were sprinting into the kitchen for more - we started ripping off huge chunks of the loaf and shoveled the pieces into our mouths as quickly as we could...
(It was a bit Animal Planet-y, I must admit).

It's the French Fried Onions that make this recipe, I think.
French Fried Onions are a very, very underused/underrated food that really should be brought into the spotlight more - they are so much more then just a topping for that icky Green Bean Casserole people seem to enjoy.

These loafs can be put together in maybe 10 minutes flat (after letting the pizza dough sit out, that is) and would make a stellar appetizer to serve to friends. They're also delicious as a side dish, a dessert, a breakfast, or as a go-to snack to devour when you stumble home slightly inebriated at 2 a.m. (I would't know anything about that.)

Every time I make this focaccia, I leave out the tomatoes (not a huge fan of them) but you can most certainly leave them in. Oh, and I sprinkle kosher salt on the bread during the 'first baking' - try it - everything taste better with loads of salt!

Oh, and word to the wise - if possible, try to use fresh rosemary for this recipe, not dried - it really does add an extra dimension to the bread that makes it impossibly, amazingly, out of this world, um, good.

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